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Spyware Guard 2008 - How to remove

By Giedrius Majauskas

Spyware Guard 2008 is a fake anti-spyware application created with an intention of causing problems on your computer in hopes that user will buy the fake program. SpywareGuard2008 is a brand new parasite so it could be complicated to control. Keep in mind that this parasite is one of the worst fake anti-spywares. Spyware Guard 2008 usually installs itself into computer without permission of user and in most of all cases it is installed via Vundo Trojan or other fake software. By showing you lots of pop-ups with multiply possible infections SpywareGuard2008 tries to persuade you into purchasing “full” version of this parasite. After pushing any button on a pop-up you will be redirected to the web site of SpywareGuard 2008. The page looks normally, but there are a few signs that it distributes rogue software. First of all, there is no useful information about makers and distributors; only a few words are said about specification of a product and the provided information is of course fake. Also there are a lot of talks about payments. If you decide to download SpywareGuard2008 you put your private data into high risk, also it will be a reason of you system slowdown. We recommend you to remove Spyware Guard 2008 as it is a very dangerous threat to your computer. Avoid and better yet block it using your HOSTS file.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

Manual removal

13 responses to “Spyware Guard 2008”

  1. This piece of software is maddening. Why cannot the writer(s) lend their talent to good and not to the world of the seedy.
    I have spent over a week trying all the methods on various web-site to remove it and I am now going to re-format.
    We got infected when my daughter downloaded a free game.

  2. There should be a swat team that can go anywhere and hunt these buttheads down. This installed itself when I was getting a wallpaper picture from a site that I’ve used before with no problems. When I tried to get into the registry to stop it, I found that the administrative rights had been disabled so I could not prevent it from reinstalling itself. You definitely need a program that can get in to the registry as well as hunt the files down to get rid of it. That is what I did and it is gone. I hope these people that wrote it burn in hell.

  3. You have presented how to delete files this virus leaves on the computer, but there is still something running that keeps reinstalling the virus. I DOS window flashes up for a second once in a while and the files are all reinstalled. How can we stop that DOS program from running periodically? I believe it is related to the bogus “Windows Security Center” popping up all the time.

    Can you help?



  4. This rouge spyware has driven me nut for weeks, and i have tried many anti-spywares available out there, but none can successfully removed it. It reinstalls itself. I really want to shoot in the head of that rouge spyware’s designer

  5. Here is how to get rid of this piece of crap.
    This virus wont let you run the malware software that you need to remove it so you have to do the following, it worked perfectly for me.

    1. On an uninfected PC download Malwarebytes’ anti-malware (you can google and download from CNET, its free). Then download the UPDATE.

    2. Save both files to a memory stick. Boot the infected PC in SAFE MODE then copy both files to the Desktop of the infected PC.

    3. Once the files are copied to your desktop Spyware Guard will keep it from installing so right click on the files and change the names of both files to something else I used dome.exe and domi.exe

    4. Click and install the newly renamed Malwarebytes program. It will now run since its been renamed. Take note of what directory that you put it in, your going to need that in a minute.

    5. Once it installs, believe it or not this piece of Sh*t virus still wont let it run so you have to go into the directory that you installed in into, typically: Program Files/Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and rename the .exe file, I think it’s mbam.exe, to something else, I used dome.exe Then click on the newly renamed file, it will now run.

    6. Once Malwarebytes loads go to your desktop and click the update file that you renamed earlier to load the updates.

    7. Now run the scan. It will find a bunch of trash related to Spyware Guard 2008. When the scan finishes click the button that removes the spyware. It will probably find some files that it cannot remove until you reboot.

    8. Reboot and Spyware Guard 2008 will be gone.

    This worked perfectly for me. GOOD LUCK.

  6. If anyone is having the following problem this can help… If you cannot download malware bytes, or if you can download malware bytes but the spyware guard virus is not allowing it to run, or it is not allowing you to install malware bytes here is the solution.
    Download malware bytes onto a usb drive
    Change the name of the installer to 123.exe
    While trying to install the program if it continually freezes up, go to task manager and keep ending the 123 process. Don’t worry it will just continue the installation even if you have to do it several times.
    After installation, got to C:\Programs\Maleware bytes anti maleware, then change the mbam.exe to Test.exe. Then you can run it but do not do the web update. You do not need the update to remove spyware guard.
    Now when it is done scanning remove all of the found threats. Restart, and then do the update and rescan with a full scan to remove eveything else.
    See… Spyware guard 2008 and up has been updated to not allow mbam to run. It also stops many of the other software applications that are used to remove this rogue virus but you can use this same proceedure on all of the spyware removal programs and spyware guard will not know what it is because whatever you name the exe file that is how it will show up in the processes. For example, naming mbam Test.exe, will make it show up in task manager as Test.exe and spyware guard does not know what Test.exe is. And the great thing is that you can name it anything so Spyware guard will be hard pressed to stop anything from running then. Hope this helps put a stop to them morons that put spyware guard out there.

  7. I had the spyware guard 8 on my computer, but I follow #6 procedure & it worked. But after all said & done my computer seems slow getting on to sites or anything really & I have cable. Does anyone have any idea how or what to do to speed it up or what to do? Thanks all for the spyware help!!

  8. I’m 15 and i got my own computor. This F*CKING virus came in and ruined all my newly downloaded stuff. I got the pc up an runnin, then downloaded some usual programs like firefox and 7-zip, some others and then my favorite matrix screensaver. Well then I found the virus and got so pissed I came as close as pointing a bb gun at it. The people who made this are genuises that are “SCHTUUOOOPIIDD”. What a bunch of F*cking retards.

  9. Hi!
    what do you do if malware bytes still won’t run, comes up with message malware bytes has encountered a problem and needs to close

  10. hats of to the people from malwarebytes anti-malware.Ive had this stupid f*cking virous twice now. First time i just wiped my computer but this time i used malwarebytes and got rid of it no problems.So to the people that wrote this rogue piece of shit you can suck my dick and rot in hell assholes….

  11. This program is a piece of crap!!!!!!!I am pissed and my mom is pissed at me because to when i updated our internet explorer that crap installed itself and I have been trying everything and its not working I can’t pay for anything to take it off because my parents will kill me. I’m so frustarted with this problem right now i am actually crying…I can’t believe that the problem with my computer is soo bad that it has driven me to tears. If their is anyone that can help me please please please please help me because i can’t take it anymore please and thank you

  12. omg this keeps poppin up!!!!! i cant stop it from poppin up on my pc i tried deleting it but it came back!!!!i hate whoevr made this shitty program!

  13. Guy,

    I would work to remove the files which are reinstall the program. After you remove those files, then the program can stop reinstalling itself.

    To make it stop coming up when the computer starts, you can use msconfig to remove it from startup.

    Generally, the program is downloaded through a trojan downloader such as trojan zlob. You need to remove that trojan and then work to remove the program itself.

    Good Luck!

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