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Google shows improvement and fixes essential Android vulnerabilities

By Giedrius Majauskas

Looking back at the 2016, we can certainly notice a trend that hackers decided to exploit: targeting Android devices. It is ironic to remember that a couple of years ago, security researchers boasted that hackers are not taking advantage of the opportunities for fraud when it came to directing attacks to Android devices. Now, Android devices are even indicated as one of the most vulnerable products. Nevertheless, it is still a popular device and authorities are constantly attempting to generate a more secure environment for its users. Product distributors like LG and Samsung that create items with Android operating systems are spotted to have released updates for the sake of fixing vulnerabilities that might compromise devices.

Google declared to have addressed a number of vulnerabilities in Android systems. Mediaserver, NVIDIA’s GPU driver and Qualcomm’s driver were indicated to contain multifarious issues, but Google considered vulnerabilities in Mediaserver as the most urgent to fix. These errors required special attention since if executed, it would give hackers remote access to the flawed device. In other words, hackers would have a perfect opportunity for fraud by looking through inboxes and other personal data, stored in Android systems. Google has also directed its resources into fixing problem-laden Androids. You might recall the efforts that were put to solve a number of vulnerabilities in NVIDIA’s GPU driver and Qualcomm’s boot loader. The fixed issues certainly prevented hackers’ attempts from being implemented successfully. The elevation privilege vulnerability was crowned as one of the top priorities for the security researchers. As it turns out, if exploited, vulnerability would give an unusual chance for third-parties: to obtain local access to elevated capabilities.

The following vulnerabilities are one of the most important flaws and, thankfully, Google managed to sort them out: CVE-2016-8435, CVE-2017-0382, CVE-2016-5180, CVE-2017-0386, CVE-2016-8412, CVE-2016-8422, CVE-2016-8424. Of course these are only a couple of vulnerabilities. In all, about 100 vulnerabilities were solved by Google. In our opinion, Google is always dedicating its time to cases such as these: vulnerable products in desperate need of fixing. It is no news that it offers innovations to make browsing a safer activity for all. Just think about all of the security filters that are assigned by Google, for the sake of keeping questionable content away from Internet users’ eyes.


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