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All episodes must be leaked: bad news for Game of Thrones

By Giedrius Majauskas

Old news: HBO databases were invaded by unknown hacker(s) and the attackers claimed to have stolen 1.5 terabytes from the company’s server. Skeptical voices arose soon after and claimed that this must be some cruel joke, but when exclusive episodes from HBO began to pop up on Torrent websites before their due date, producers knew that they won’t be able to dodge a bullet after all.

The latest leak: personal information about actors/actresses and scripts of unstreamed episodes

Game of Thrones leak

It was announced that in the latest data leakage from HBO servers, personal information of celebrities that have starred in this hit-TV show have been exposed. Email addresses and phone numbers of actors and actresses, working on Game of Thrones project, are included. Needless to say, hackers are not only aiming at HBO: they are also aiming to violate the privacy of those who are working on their shows. Such stars like Lena Headey and Emilia Clark might be forced to change their emailing accounts and phone numbers to avoid any unrequited attention.

Some technical details like passwords of administrators and employees of HBO servers, email letters between producers and draft scripts for the upcoming episodes of Game of Thrones are breached too. Financial revenues and other sheets, agreements between actors and producers are also exposed.

The script for the fifth episode leaked

The premium network also suffers from a loss of scripts. To mark their works, extortionists label their leaked material with a watermark of “HBO is Falling” which was included in the first letter, sent to reporters.

In this drip of exclusive information, you will find a script for the 5 episode of the season 7 of Game of Thrones. Of course, we would express recommendations to distance yourself from this leaked data even if you are eager to learn what shocking revelations will be included into the next week’s episode.

Hackers finally demand a ransom to stop

Hackers have finally sent some threatening emails to the chief executive of HBO, Richard Plepler. It appears he received a letter of demands that requires network to pay millions of dollars to protect their shows from being leaked before their official release dates. The future of Game of Thrones is not the only thing at stake: other projects like Room 104 and Ballers have also been compromised with their scripts being unleashed into the Internet.

The spokesperson Jeff Cusson, working for HBO, has made a statement, announcing:

“We continue to work around the clock with outside cybersecurity firms and law enforcement to resolve the incident.”

However, Cusson did not provide any commentary about crooks’ demands or HBO’s plans. From the ransom letter that the network received, the group of attackers does not see itself as the villains in this situation. According to them, they are only trying to take some money from HBO multimillionaire account.


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