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Austrian Police virus - How to remove

By Giedrius Majauskas

Austrian Police virus is one more version of an aggressive malware known to be working under the name of official institutions (e.g. FBI virus, West Yorkshire Police virus and others). This time the scammers have choasen to attack computers in Austria and they send a message under the title of Der Computer ist für die Verletzung der Gesetze der Republik Österreich blockiert worsen. Here is a part of a message:

Der Computer ist für die Verletzung der Gesetze der Republik Österreich blockiert worden
Ergab folgende Verstöße:
• Herunterladen von Video-Aufzeichnung oder Übermittlung von pornographischem Material mit Minderjährigen, Kinderpornografie, einen Garten, und Gewalt gegen Kinder. Die Verwendung von Raubkopien Audio-Video-Aufnahmen und deren Verteilung.
Verteilung und Speicherung yavlyaetsya Pornografie strafbar nach Artikel (Artikel 227-23), das Strafgesetzbuch von Luxemburg. Es beinhaltet einer Freiheitsstrafe von 2 bis 5 Jahren.

Just like in previous versions of Police virus, it uses the name of police institution without its consent. It is hard to confuse this virus with any other. Once it is in the system, it blocks an infected computer completely. The only thing a user can see is a warning claiming that some copyright laws have violated and for this reason you should pay a fine of 100 euros. Basically, you will be accused of various digital crimes like illegal usage and distribution of videos, music, photos of pornographic content.

Everything seems to be very official and convincing. However, the strange thing is that it asks to pay the fine using Ukash payment system. This would never happen with any official institution. They always send official letters to tell you about your fines and no prepaid card payments are ever accepted. There is no doubt that Austrian Police virus is a scam and you should not waste your money on it.

You are highly recommended to remove Austrian Police Virus, using a legitimate antispyware program, for example, spyhunter as soon as you detect it on your system. Follow these steps if you received a message under the title of Der Computer ist für die Verletzung der Gesetze der Republik Österreich blockiert worden:

  1. Reboot into safe mode with command prompt. Usually Votre Ordinateur Est Bloque virus should not be launched there.
  2. Run regedit. Search for Winlogon.
  3. There will be a key labeled Shell under Winlogon. It should reference Explorer.exe or be blank. If there is something else referring an executable in one of user’s folders, replace it with explorer.exe.
  4. Save changes, reboot to safe mode with networking.
  5. Run msconfig and disable all unnecessary startup entries. You should be able to reboot normally.
  6. Install and run Scan with it the PC and delete the Usually Votre Ordinateur Est Bloque executables it finds.

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