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DriverDoc - How to remove

By Laura

DriverDoc is advertised as a helpful tool that can quickly locate the latest drivers specific to your PC through its access to an extensive database. The developers of the program mention that the utility will update all drivers that are out-of-date and will perform automatic updates periodically. At first glance, it looks like DriverDoc is worth trying. The software seems to be very helpful with its built-in features and user-friendly interface. However, there are several reasons why this first impression of the program is deceptive.

If you would like to evaluate DriverDoc you may download the tool from its official page. However, we really doubt that this was the exact way how DriverDoc appeared on your computer. Most often, the program is actively spread through its bundling with other cost-free applications. Hence, the tool often gets installed without the user’s direct consent. Based on these circumstances, it is correctly classified as a PUP (potentially unwanted program) by many reputable anti-virus applications.

DriverDoc activity analysis

As soon as DriverDoc is successfully installed and activated, the program initiates its scanning to find outdated or missing drivers. Very soon the report is given about the availability of some drivers that need to be immediately updated. Obviously, the free version of DriverDoc is not able to do that, so the people are instructed to pay for the registered (licensed) version of the program.

It is not certain whether DriverDoc reports any false positives or not. However, there are many programs similar to DriverDoc that present fictitious information to encourage users to make the payment for their licensed versions, even though there are not any real driver-related problems at all. As soon as the payment is processed, these programs simply clean the list of false positives pretending that the issues were immediately fixed. Hence, the majority of such fake driver-updating tools simply do not represent any value. Considering the fact that DriverDoc is spread through bundling, it is quite likely that it may also state some deceptive facts about your computer.

If you do believe that some of your available software is out-of-date and you need to install the fresh driver to make it function properly, the best way to do that is to refer to the hardware manufacturers’ pages.

Keep in mind that installing free software through bundling may inject a lot of other potentially unwanted programs, for example:

  • rogue security programs reporting fake malware through fabricated scan reports;
  • various adware programs;
  • browser-hijacking extensions amending important browser parameters;
  • data-tracking tools (spyware).

Therefore, if DriverDoc was installed into your computer using the “bundling” method, there is a high probability that it is not the only unwanted tool active in your computer. It is very important that you inspect your computer and your browser settings to make sure there is no other hidden utility that negatively affects the system performance.

How to remove DriverDoc effectively

The good news about DriverDoc is that it provides you with direct uninstaller. You may access the Control Panel of your PC, check the list of available applications and uninstall DriverDoc just as you get rid of the programs you no longer need. Don’t forget to inspect other unwanted utilities that may be in place.

DriverDoc detection on

Removing third-party browser extensions is another important steps. Often a lot of browser-modifying applications like adware or search engine hijackers are spread through the same method of bundling with freeware. Make sure your browser is not amended by anything like that by checking your browser extensions and deleting unwanted add-ons that do not look familiar to you.

Finally, we recommend scanning your system with the reliable anti-virus software that will help to fix all the aforesaid issues in an automatic manner. Either Spyhunter will detect other unwanted items that may still control your system and slow down its performance essentially. Additionally, this way your computer will be protected from further unauthorized installations.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

How to remove DriverDoc using Windows Control Panel

Many hijackers and adware like DriverDoc install some of their components as regular Windows programs as well as additional software. This part of malware can be uninstalled from the Control Panel. To access it, do the following.
  • Start→Control Panel (older Windows) or press Windows Key→Search and enter Control Panel and then press Enter (Windows 8, Windows 10). Open Control Panel by searching for it in the Start menu.
  • Choose Uninstall Program (if you don't see it, click in the upper right next to "View by" and select Category). In Control Panel, select Uninstall a program.
  • Go through the list of programs and select entries related to DriverDoc . You can click on "Name" or "Installed On" to reorder your programs and make DriverDoc easier to find. Find the program that you need to uninstall.
  • Click the Uninstall button. If you're asked if you really want to remove the program, click Yes. Click the Uninstall button after selecting the program to uninstall. Then click Yes.
  • In many cases anti-malware programs are better at detecting related parasites, thus I recommend installing Spyhunter to identify other programs that might be a part of this infection. Spyhunter marking a program and its components as low-threat malware.

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