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DriverTuner by LionSea - How to remove

By Giedrius Majauskas

DriverTuner by Lionsea Software is a driver updater and a potentially unwanted program. DriverTuner can cause unnecessary stress and it’s not particularly helpful. Many antivirus programs detect it as suspicious and even dangerous.

DriverTuner is promoted online in such a way that it can result in more unwanted programs being installed. So, if DriverTuner is present on your device, it’s recommended to remove it and to check if there are other potentially unwanted programs on your computer.

About DriverTuner:

Threat type Potentially unwanted program.
Problems with DriverTuner It’s very unnecessary,

it shows unnecessarily alarming warnings,

it’s very outdated.

How it gets installed It’s downloaded from a freeware download site,

its download page shows ads for various potentially unwanted programs.

How to remove DriverTuner Uninstall DriverTuner manually,

check your computer for malware with antivirus tools (Spyhunter, others).

What makes DriverTuner dangerous

DriverTuner is detected by multiple extremely reliable antivirus programs: DriverTuner is detected as Deceptor, Malicious, Unsafe, Unwanted, Trojan, etc. Web browsers also block DriverTuner.

DriverTuner getting detected as “unwanted” doesn’t mean that it’s harmful and dangerous like a real malicious program, such as ransomware. Rather, DriverTuner is a potentially unwanted program – it’s not directly dangerous, but it can be misleading and hurt your PC experience.

When DriverTuner is installed, it scans your computer and detects the drivers that it thinks are outdated. It shows an unnecessarily alarming warning about those outdated drivers. Really, though, there’s nothing to worry about. As long as you let your Windows install updates automatically, your drivers should be fine.

Updating device drivers is important, but it is rarely urgent. It’s not something that you need to do every other day. Despite that, DriverTuner runs in the background and starts up with your computer. It runs unnecessarily, it wastes your time with useless scans.

DriverTuner's installer is detected by 33 scanners on virustotal.

How DriverTuner gets installed

DriverTuner can be found on There, it’s described as helping you fix driver-related problems.

Device drivers are little programs that enable your Windows to talk to your devices, such as your mouse or printer. New drivers are occasionally released by device manufacturers. They fix bugs and allow compatibility with new Windows versions. Generally, new drivers don’t improve the performance of your computer much, but they are important because they allow all of your devices to work together smoothly.

To download DriverTuner, redirects to a free software download site Softonic. It shows a lot of misleading ads, including those for hijackers like FreeTemplateFinder and other potentially unwanted programs. That site makes it really easy to accidentally download a browser hijacker or another unhelpful program.

In general, it’s better to use developer sites to download software and to avoid freeware download sites. That’s because some download sites, like Softfamous or Rockybytes, bundle all the programs that they offer with adware. But in the case of DriverTuner, it seems like there’s not any choice for users.

DriverTuner shows a very misleading pop-up when trying to uninstall it.

How to remove DriverTuner

Uninstall it manually from your Control Panel or from your Settings. You might see a pop-up that advertises a discount for DriverTuner. Click the little button in the bottom left to uninstall.

It’s also advisable to get an antivirus program, like Spyhunter, and to have it scan your computer. Let it check your device for potentially unwanted programs and remove them. This is important because the download process for DriverTuner is risky, full of misleading ads for other potentially dangerous programs and browser extensions.

If you paid for DriverTuner, then don’t forget to quit the subscription. Apparently, people used to have some problems with LionSea’s payment process (, so that’s something to be careful of.

If you want to make sure that your drivers are always up-to-date, then just allow Windows to download and install updates as needed ( You can also update individual drivers manually ( You can also roll back a driver if something goes wrong with one of your devices after an update.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

How to remove DriverTuner by LionSea using Windows Control Panel

Many hijackers and adware like DriverTuner Updater install some of their components as regular Windows programs as well as additional software. This part of malware can be uninstalled from the Control Panel. To access it, do the following.
  • Start→Control Panel (older Windows) or press Windows Key→Search and enter Control Panel and then press Enter (Windows 8, Windows 10). Open Control Panel by searching for it in the Start menu.
  • Choose Uninstall Program (if you don't see it, click in the upper right next to "View by" and select Category). In Control Panel, select Uninstall a program.
  • Go through the list of programs and select entries related to DriverTuner by LionSea . You can click on "Name" or "Installed On" to reorder your programs and make DriverTuner Updater easier to find. Find the program that you need to uninstall.
  • Click the Uninstall button. If you're asked if you really want to remove the program, click Yes. Click the Uninstall button after selecting the program to uninstall. Then click Yes.
  • In many cases anti-malware programs are better at detecting related parasites, thus I recommend installing Spyhunter to identify other programs that might be a part of this infection. Spyhunter marking a program and its components as low-threat malware.

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