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Fake Windows Activation Screen - How to remove

By Renata

A new infection has been spreading on the Internet targeting Windows users. In fact it’s a Trojan horse that pretends to be a Windows Activation program. Once infected, you will receive a professionally looking screen simulating Microsoft Windows Activation which will state that you need to re-activate your Windows. The program will also ask to enter your name, contact information and credit card details. Revealing your credit card information is a huge mistake as you will end up losing your money. This attempt to lure users’ personal information out of them can be seen as similar to the scam calls that random people receive from shady people.

Here is what you will see if your system is infected:

Microsoft Windows Activation
Microsoft Piracy Control

Your copy of Windows was activated by another user. To help reduce software piracy, please re-activate your copy of Windows now. We will ask for your billing details, but your credit card will NOT be charged. You must activate Windows before you can continue to use it. Microsoft is committed to your privacy. For more information,

Do you want to activate Windows now?

The program will not allow performing any actions on your computer, unless you do what it says. In case you choose not to re-activate your Windows straight away but do it later, your computer will be shut down and once restarted the entire procedure will be repeated again. The Trojan will not give up until you enter your private data there and as soon as you give access to your bank account your credit card will be charged. The fact that somebody on the Internet required your online banking information should give you a pretty a very clear idea of this message not being trustworthy. Legitimate security technicians always emphasize the notion that they will never ask such details from their users. If you happen to encounter a pop-up that requires you to fill empty spaces with some personal information, please exit such windows. In the case of Fake Windows Activation Screen, it will not be easy to escape it. You can try to reboot your system in a Safe Mode and run a full security scan with a program of your choice.

Back in 2010 this scam might have received some personal details about users and we believe that many of the gullible people were forced to suffer some financial losses. Never reveal parts of your identity to the Internet as it is one most disturbing things you could do. User your rational thinking to avoid being lured into participating in deceptive surveys that only increase the chances for crooks to benefit. In late 2016, the Internet has been polluted with quite a few Fake Windows Activation Screens that bother users.

We highly recommend removing this badware from your system as soon as possible.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

Manual removal

1 responses to “Fake Windows Activation Screen”

  1. thanks guys, just started to appear, and figured it was a virus of some sort, now I know, see if am clever enough to fix it , cheers Gary

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