Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus - How to remove November 28, 2012 By Giedrius Majauskas Federal Department of Justice and Police virus is a ransomware program that targets computers located in Germany and all other users using Windows in German. It appears on the system as a fake message that claims your IP address is included into the black list of IPs doing some illegal activities. These activities include visiting malicious websites that contain pornographic content or using or distributing some copyrighted content. Federal Department of Justice and Police virus claims that you must pay a fine that in order to get your computer unblocked. You may have heard about this type of infections already as at the moment there is entire family of Ukash viruses spreading on the Internet. This kind of infections have become really popular lately and they attack computer users hiding under various names of police institutions. They get into system via Trojan infections. Computer users are usually targeted while they are visiting some malicious websites. Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus can also come bundled with some other software. As you understand the message of Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus comes in German. Here is how a part of it looks like: Federal Department of Justice and Police Achtung! Ein Vorgang ilegaler Aktivitaten erkannt! Das Betriebssystem wurde im Zusammenhang mit Verstossen gegen die Gesetze der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gesperrt! Es wurde folgender Verstoss festgestellt: Ihre IP-Adresse lautet: “” mit dieser IP wurden Seiten mit pornografischen Inhalt, Kinderpornographie, Sodomie und Gewalt gegen Kinder aufgerufen. Auf Ihrem Computer wurden ebenfalls Videodateien mit pornografischen Inhalt, Elementen von Gewalt und Kinderpornografie festgestellt. Es wurden auch Emails in Form von Spam, mit terrroristischen Inhalten, verschickt. Diese Sperre dient dazu, Ihre illegalen Akticitäten zu unterbinden. If you have received this message on your machine and your computer is completely blocked, you can be sure that Federal Department of Justice and Police virus is on your computer. Do not trust this scam application. Don’t pay anything for that. Police would never ask you to pay any fine using Paysafecard payment system and that is the method Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus asks you to use. Remove Federal Department of Justice and Police virus once you get infected. Follow these steps if you got infected: 1. Restart your computer, press F8 while it is restarting 2. Choose safe mode with networking 3. Launch MSConfig 4. Disable startup items rundll32 turning on any application from Application Data; 5. Restart your computer again. 7. Scan with https://www.2-viruses.com/downloads/spyhunter-i.exe to identify the file and remove it. Here is a video guide, showing how to perform all the steps: If you cannot use Safe Mode, try rebooting normally. You may be able to run your antimalware for a short period of time. If you can do it, follow these steps. Reboot into safe mode with command prompt. Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus should not be launched this time. Run regedit. Search for Winlogon. There will be a key labeled Shell under Winlogon. It should reference Explorer.exe or be blank. If there is something else referring an executable in one of users folders, replace it with explorer.exe. Save changes, reboot to safe mode with networking. Run msconfig and disable all unnecessary startup entries. You should be able to reboot normally. Install and run https://www.2-viruses.com/downloads/spyhunter-i.exe. Scan with it the PC and delete Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus executables it finds. Here is a video guide illustrating this virus removal method: Automatic Malware removal tools Download Spyhunter for Malware detection(Win) Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection(Mac) Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy , Manual removal Processes: [random], from %AppData% or %Temp% Files: [random], from %AppData% or %Temp% Removal guides in other languages Federal Department of Justice and Police virus (es) Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus (nl) Le virus Federal Department of Justice and Police (fr) Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus (pt) Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus facts Type: Ransomware Download Spyhunter for Malware detection(Win) Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection(Mac) Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy , TOC Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. 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