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Greystars ransomware virus - How to remove

By Sarunas Klenauskas

Greystars can be described as a typical ransomware infection, if not for its’ distribution method, which is both more complicated and more dangerous. It’s a common trait for a ransomware infection because the main target of Greystars is to encrypt files using a strong cryptography and then ask for a ransom to be paid in order to unlock them.

Greystars ransomware virus remove

As for now, Greystars virus has already infected a high volume of computers worldwide, thus we feel a need to inform our readers about it and provide you with useful information on how to solve this particular problem. If your computer is infected or you just want to learn more about possible threats of this virus, please continue reading the article.

Also, do not hesitate to ask questions related to this topic in the comments section below – we will be more than happy to help you.

Greystars – severe computer virus

Ransomware is definitely one of the most dangerous type of malware out there. All malware infections are acting in a very similar manner – they try to force you into paying by restricting access to your personal files.

It is done by employing AES-256 and (or) RSA-2048 cryptography algorithms. Once all files of this virus is successfully uploaded to your computer, it immediately starts to scan for files that can be encrypted. Unfortunately, Greystars is capable of encrypting various types of files, so a complete majority of your files will be locked.

After the encryption, infection will automatically add [email protected] to the end of every encrypted file. So let’s say you had a file named file.txt, now it will look like [email protected] and you won’t be able to open that.

Also, it will automatically create HOW-TO-RECOVER-YOUR-FILES.HTML file and place it on your desktop. It is a ransom note containing instructions how to pay the ransom. Original text from a file:

All your files have been encrypted!
How to recover your files?
All your files have been encrypted by RSA and AES due to a security problem on your PC.You have to pay for decryption of Bitcoins.
If you want to restore them.You must send 0.08 bitcoin to my bitcoins address 1JnRP8UsTDLRjzCTaJXYPr5oYkKc7bLY2Q .
After payment, we will send you the decryption tool that will decrypt all your files.
Please write us to the email [email protected].
Please write the decrypt code in the title of your email message. And don’t forgot to write the transfer accounts info.
How to obtain Bitcoins?
The easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site.You have to register.Click “Buy Bitcoins.”And select the seller by payment method and price.
The Web Site address is,or other websites.
1.Do not rename encrypted files.
2.Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software.It may cause permanent data loss.

Actually, it’s a common technique for ransomware infections to contact infected users this way – we have seen it done by ransomware viruses like UselessFiles or KWC ransomware. Cyber criminals behind Greystars ransomware wants you to send 0.08 Bitcoins and contact them via email [email protected], so they could get back to you with a decryption tool which should recover your files.

0.08 Bitcoins is around $700 at the current exchange rate. Even though it seems as a fair price to pay for your important files, we suggest not to do that. We have witnessed numerous occasions when crooks simply scammed users and forced them to purchase decryptor that doesn’t even exist. So as a result, you are just left with your locked files and minus $700 in your bank account. Another negative side of this deal is supporting cyber criminals – that’s not a good thing. They can use your money to develop other viruses in the future.

Now, instead of paying the ransom, you should scan your computer with Spyhunter anti-malware program. It will automatically detect and remove all malicious files of Greystars ransomware. Obviously, that won’t unlock your files, so you will have to look for alternative methods.

Unfortunately, there is not much to choose from. The most reliable shot at unlocking your files is performing a system restore. That can be done only if you have a valid backup copy of your hard drive. If you do, take a look at this step-by-step system restore guide and restore your computer back to normal.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

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