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By Urte is advertised as being able to hack Instagram accounts. Luckily, it doesn’t do that – it’s just an adware site that tricks people into completing surveys and looking at dozens and dozens of advertisements. Worse, it may lead to banking trojan infections. does not work and it should never be used – all it does is spread malware.


Type of threat Adware,



How the site spreads Articles promoting get posted on unrelated sites by malicious actors.
Problems with It wastes time, promotes adware sites, and can lead to newtab viruses and other malware being installed.
How to deal with Do not interact with the site, just close its browser tab,

block malicious sits with anti-malware programs,

find and delete malware (Combo Cleaner for Mac, Spyhunter for PC, others).

How spreads

Articles on infected websites

Recently, cybersecurity investigators noticed ( the Unesco site and a few other generally trusted sites spreading malicious links and malware.

Malicious clickbait certainly wasn’t posted by the real operators of these sites. Malicious actors injected it into websites where they could. Site administrators might not have noticed right away. Luckily, the malicious content has been taken down now.

There’s nothing too special about the hack. It’s common for sites to get hacked and have articles, links, and malicious redirects added. If you notice that a site that you use regularly got hacked, consider sending a message to the administrators so that they can fix it.

Site for hacking other people’s accounts

It’s been noticed that some of the clickbait in the hacked sites pointed to, a site that pretends to hack Instagram accounts.

The way to find and similar sites is simply to search for it. Crooks hack popular sites because these are already ranked high by search engines like Google, so links to them are sure to show up in your search results when you look up how to hack an Instagram account.

Once you’re on, it tries to sell itself as a serious program. It calls itself “INSTAGRAM PASSWORD HACKER” and has a drawn-out process where it describes every step of the “hacking”. To look more legit, shows fake comments at the bottom (even shows a warning message if you try to comment) and links to the terms of service and privacy policy pages (they don’t work). On the right side there’s a feed of users who supposedly just hacked someone’s Instagram account. says: "Instagram Password Hacker".

How is dangerous

A shady website that pretends to hack accounts is definitely dangerous – to the people who try to use it. It’s similar to all the other Instagram viruses in that it relies on manipulation and lies to trick people.

Sure, it’s dangerous to those whose account names are being leaked, however, this is information that could be found by anyone who really wanted it. And is not hacking anyone’s password, so that’s not an issue.

The real danger is for those who try to use

  • Time is wasted.
  • Clickbait sites are opened.
  • Malicious files are downloaded.

Clickbait and adware

When you go on, it displays a lot of various loading bars and text to pretend to be hacking something. It puts on quite a show. In the end, it asks for your help: supposedly, manual verification is required and you must do something to prove that you’re not a robot.

That something is to download a program or complete a survey on a site like Quizdiva. Quizdiva is nothing more than an adware site – it’s built to show as many ads as possible. Completing the quiz then requires an unreasonable amount of time.

Clickbait sites are notorious for showing low-quality ads and Quizdiva is not an exception. It advertises InboxAce, Easy Games Tab, and other newtab viruses (that also work as adware). promoting Quizdiva.

Trojan-infected files

And, worst of all, said that some of the links spread by the hack and by lead to Emotet-infected files. While I didn’t see anything like that on, looking at sites related to it on online scanners like does reveal a lot of files, mostly Docs, that download Emotet. These Docs are detected as Malware, Trojan.Downloader, VBA.Downloader, SAgent, etc.

If you downloaded a suspicious file from or a site that it opened, don’t open or run it. Running it would allow the spyware to be downloaded. Instead, scan it with an antivirus program and delete it if it’s detected – or even if it’snot detected, as no antivirus is perfect and they miss malware often enough.

How to deal with

First, avoid sites that promise to hack someone’s account for you. Not just because it’s very mean and unfair to the person whose account would be stolen but also because those sites never work. is just a scam whose operators take money to promote various adware sites and malicious links. It’s a waste of time at best and the start of infection at worst. If you end up on such a site, immediately close it.

You should also scan your computer with an antivirus program (Combo Cleaner for macOS, Spyhunter, other programs that you trust), especially if any files were downloaded by or sites that it promoted.

To avoid and other malicious sites in the future, use an ad-blocker or an anti-malware program with real-time web security.

And always remember: if you find yourself entangled in some strange scheme with loading bars, redirects, and instructions for you to click on buttons and install mysterious files, you can always quit the process. Nothing bad will happen if you just close your browser at any point. In fact, you might save yourself a lot of trouble.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

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