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Latvijas Valsts Policija virus - How to remove

By Giedrius Majauskas

Latvijas Valsts Policija virus is a a virus that belong to a group of Ukash payment related viruses that uses a name of some police institution to scare computer users into thinking that they have done something illegal and make them pay a fine for that. This time, the program targets users from Latvia. The program spreads on computers through Trojan viruses and is able to infiltrate witohut users’ knowledge.

Latvijas Valsts Policija virus displays a message that states you have violated some law by using some copyrighted content. The application completely blocks your system so you cannot do run any of your programs, use Internet, etc. Not even your Task Manager will work. The only thing you will see on your computer is one message claiming that you have to pay a fine of 50LVL or 100 euros for violating law. The message appears in Latvian and looks like this:

Uzmanību! Jūsu dators ir bloķēts, vismaz viena iemesla dēļ no tiem, kur ir noradīti zemāk.
Jūs pārkāpat “Autortiesību un blakustiesību aizsardzības likumu” (Video, mūzika, programmatūra) un nelikumīgi izmantojiet vai izplatiet informāciju, kas aizsargāta ar autortiesībam, tādējādi pārkāpjot Latvijas Kriminālprocesa kodeksa 128. Pantu.
Soda naudu var maksāt tikai 72 stundu laikā pēc pārkāpuma veikšanas. Tiklīdz kad 72 stundas pēc pārkāpuma, lai varētu samaksāt naudas sodu, beidzas, krimināllieta ir automātiski ierosināta prêt jums nākamo 72 stundu laikā!
Soda apmērs ir LVL 50 vai €100. Jūs varat maksāt sodu pār PaySafeCard vai Ukash.

Since the message uses the name of Latvian Police (Latvijas Valsts Policija), many people get scared about it and don’t even consider that this might be a scam. Nobody wants to deal with police and have any problems with it, so very often people agree to pay the fine just to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. However, it is not a good solution as you will only lose your money, but the problem will remain.

You should never trust Latvijas Valsts Policija virus and never pay anything following the steps provided in the message. It is absolutely impossible that police would ask you to pay a fine using Ukash or PaySafeCard payment systems and that is exactly how this ransomware tries to make you pay. Remove Latvijas Valsts Policija virus as soon as you notice it on your computer following the instructions below. Since there is more than one version of this badware, we provide several methods how to do it:

Method I – using unaffected user’s account

If you have more than one user’s account and at least one of them is not infected, login to it and scan your computer with Spyhunter. Latvijas Valsts Policija virus will be removed and other users’ accounts unblocked.

Method II – using System Restore

  • Press and hold F8 while it is restarting in order to select safe mode with a Command prompt.
  • At the command prompt, type cd restore, and then press enter.
  • Type rstrui.exe and press enter (for Windows Vista, 7 and 8, you should type : C:\windows\system32\rstrui.exe; for Windows XP – C:\windows\system32\restore\rstrui.exe).
  • When the System Restore starts, select a restore point previous to this infection. Do not forget to scan your computer with Spyhunter for the malicious files to be removed.

Method III – using Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking

  • Restart your computer. Press F8 while it is restarting.
  • Choose safe mode or safe mode with networking.
  • Launch MSConfig.
  • Disable startup items rundll32 turning on any application from Application Data. Please note, that other locations can be also used.
  • Restart the system once again.
  • Scan with It should detect and delete Latvijas Valsts Policija virus. Watch a video guide of a similar virus illustrating the steps above:

Method IV – using Safe Mode with Command Prompt

  • Restart your computer choosing Safe Mode with Command Prompt.
  • Run Regedit.
  • Search for WinLogon Entries. Write down all files it references that are not explorer.exe or blank. Replace them with explorer.exe.
  • Search registry for Latvijas Valsts Policija virus files and delete the registry keys referencing the files.
  • Try to reboot and scan with Spyhunter.
  • Here’s a video guide that illustrates the removal of a similar virus:

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

Manual removal

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