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Suomen Poliisi virus - How to remove

By Giedrius Majauskas

Suomen Poliisi virus is another Paysafecard related computer ransomware that was designed to steal money from less experienced computer users. It’s one of those programs that locks your system claiming that you have violated the law and asks to pay a fine. As you understand from the name, the program attacks computers located in Finland. Suomen Poliisi virus displays a message on your computer saying that you have been using various pornographic content files and distributed them to other users.

The program does not allow doing anything on your computer and keeps your system blocked. If you want to get in unblocked, you will be asked to make a payment of 100 euros. Accoriding to the message, your computer will be unblocked with 72 hours after the payment is received. Have in mind that it is not true. Suomen Poliisi virus only wants to rip off your money and it has nothing to do with real Finnish police. That is how a part of the message looks like:

Tietokonenne on tehty vaarattomaksi vähintään yhdestä alla mainituista syistä.
Te olette katsoneet tai levittäneet kiellettyjä pornosisällyksiä (Lapsiporno/Zoofilia).
Sillä lailla te olette rikkoneet Suomessa rikoslain lakipykälää 202. Lakipykälä 202 edellyttää vapausrangaistusta 4-12 vuotta.

Or (new versions)

Titokonesi on lukittu turvallisuuden vuoksi allamainittujen syiden takia.
Sinut syytetaan kielletyn pornograaafisen aineiston (Lapsiporno/Zoofilia/Raikaus jne.) katselusta/sailytyksesta ja/tai levityksesta. Sina olet rikkoneet lapsipornografian levitysta vastaisen yleismaailmallisen julisutuksen ja sinut syytetaan Suomen tasavallan rikoslain lakipykalan 161 edellyttamaan rikokseen.
Suomen tasavallan rikoslain lakipykala 161 edellytta rangaistuksena vapausrangaistusta 2-8 vuotta.

You are highly recommended to remove Suomen Poliisi virus from your machine immediately after detecting it on your computer. Use a reputable antispyware program, for example, Spyhunter. Follow instructions below as you probably will not be able to run your antispyware that easily. Please note, there is more than one version of this ransomware therefore you should use the removal method that is effective with your infection.

The easiest way to get rid of this ransomware is scanning ones PC from another user account with Spyhunter, Hitman or other anti-malware. If you don’t have one, do following:

  1. Reboot, and press F8 while screen is blank
  2. Choose safe mode with command prompt
  3. Run control nusrmgr.cpl, create another account
  4. Reboot and log in that account
  5. Run Anti-Malware scan

1. Restart your computer, press F8 while it is restarting;
2. Choose safe mode with networking;
3. Launch MSConfig;
4. Disable startup items rundll32 turning on any application from Application Data;
5. Restart your computer again.
6. Scan with to find the Suomen Poliisi virus files and remove them. Here is a video guide, showing how to do all the steps:


If you cannot use Safe Mode, try rebooting into safe mode with command prompt. Here is how to delete Suomen Poliisi virus using this approach:

  1. Reboot into safe mode with command prompt. Suomen Poliisi virus should not be launched this time.
  2. Run regedit. Search for Winlogon.
  3. There will be a key labeled Shell under Winlogon. It should refer to Explorer.exe or be blank. If there is something else referring an executable in one of user’s folders, replace it with explorer.exe.
  4. Save changes, reboot to safe mode with networking.
  5. Run msconfig and disable all unnecessary startup entries. You should be able to reboot normally.
  6. Install and run Scan with it the PC and delete Suomen Poliisi virus executables it finds.

Here is a video guide illustrating this virus removal method:

If Suomen Poliisi virus blocks any safe mode and you cannot access other user account to run, you may wish to try using Bootable antivirus CD/USB disk and scanning with it.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

Manual removal

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