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The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus - How to remove

By Giedrius Majauskas

The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus is a ransomware that blocks an infected computer’s screen with a message which is supposed to be from a Spanish police. Usually it targets computers located in Spain and is a local version of Ukash virus. Cyber criminals distributing this infection use strong psychological techniques to trick money from their victims. The sum is as big as 150EUR.

Just like many other this type scams, The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus displays a message informing that an infected computer’s user has violated laws by distributing pornographic files, sending spam e-mails and illegally downloading copyrighted content. To scare its victim even more a blocking screen has a webcam turned on and shows a victim. The message says that any video and photo files will be used later for a criminal’s identification. The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus is programmed to access a webcam installed to a computer and to use it as one of psychological techniques for motivating people into paying the ransom.

The ransomware’s message assures that the only way to unblock your computer and remove the charges is to pay the fine. Prepaid payment system Ukash is listed as an option for paying the fee:

ATENCION! Revelados los violaciones siguientes:
Descargue la grabación de vídeo o la transmisión de material pornográfico que involucre a menores, la pornografía infantil, un jardín, y la violencia contra los niños. El uso de productos piratas de audio y vídeo grabaciones y su distribución.
Busque el puesto comercial más cercano Ordene Ukash 100 euros Obtenga el código Ukash (de 19 cifras)

The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus is distributed in several ways. It might be downloaded using system security holes or included in spam e-mail attachments. Yet the most popular way to get infected is browsing the Internet. Advertisements, especially in adults’ sites can be infected with it. Even those web pages that you visit every day, might be corrupted and spread The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus.

For the blocking to be removed you should do the following:

  1. Restart your computer; press F8 while it is restarting;
  2. Choose safe mode with networking;
  3. Launch MSConfig;
  4. Disable startup items rundll32 turning on any application from Application Data;
  5. Restart the system once again.
  6. Scan with to identify file and delete it.

Some versions of The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus disable all safe modes, but leave a short gap that you should use to remove the ransomware:

  1. Run anti-malware during the gap.
  2. Reboot normally.
  3. Start->Run.
  4. Enter . If malware is loaded, just press alt+tab once and keep entering the string blindly. Press Enter.
  5. Press Alt+tab and then R couple times.

Here is a video illustrating removal process. Please note, The El Equipo ha Sido Bloqueado por Violar las Leyes de Espana Virus is a Spanish version of Ukash virus therefore you can follow instructions shown.

Automatic Malware removal tools

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