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Win 7 Anti-virus 2011 - How to remove

By gabriele

Win 7 Anti-virus 2011 is a program that should be included to the dangerous group of viruses that change their names according to OS. Win 7 Anti-virus was also created to infect only the ones machines that run Windows 7 Operating System, but you may find it named Vista Anti-virus 2011 or XP Anti-virus if you have such OS installed. Stay away from Win 7 Anti-virus 2011 and uninstall once detected.

This fraudulent program gets inside your computer without being detected and certainly through no approval of yours. Similarly to its relatives, Win 7 Anti-virus will additionally drop its files into Windows directories and modify the Registry to get ability to dominate inside the PC and overcome legitimate software. When active and running, it has been noticed to display many alerts and some suspicious scanners in order to make you concerned about computer’s security. You may be tricked by its reports about ‘dangerous’ Trojans, worms or spyware detected that in reality are harmless because they are invented by the same Win 7 Anti-virus 2011. Any random scanner performed by Win7 Anti-virus is nothing else but just a simple file which either may have been invented or is legitimate your system file. That’s why you should ignore alerts got from this rogue and mostly reporting this:

System danger!
Your system security is in danger. Privacy threats detected. Spyware, keyloggers or Trojans may be working the background right now. Perform an in-depth scan and removal now, click here.

System Hijack!
System security threat was detected. Viruses and/or spyware may be damaging your system now. Prevent infection and data loss or stealing by running a free security scan.

Privacy threat!
Spyware intrusion detected. Your system is infected. System integrity is at risk. Private data can be stolen by third parties, including credit card details and passwords. Click here to perform a security repair.

The whole misleading tactics of Win 7 Anti-virus 2011 virus consists of ‘detection’ of malware and then offers to purchase its licensed version which will remove everything reported. However, the same wiruses will be detected if you try with another absolutely different computer. This fact should make things clear that Win7Anti-virus is anything but real antivirus. Instead of finding and neutralizing actual infections, it will only fake that activity, so you definitely should remove Win 7 Anti-virus 2011. I hope that you rely on a reputable anti-spyware, like spyhunter, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or Hitman Pro when trying to clean your machine of such scams. In order to disable it, use this registration code (thanks to Xylitol) 1147-175591-6550 and additional removal instructions of Win 7 Anti-virus.


Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

Manual removal

12 responses to “Win 7 Anti-virus 2011”

  1. I have purchased Spyware Doctor. I already have anti-virus through McAfee Internet Security. I have run SD in safe mode and it has removed a lot of malware but not the Win 7 anti-virus 2011. When I did that I hadn’t cleaned out my temp files folder. I will run the SD again now that I have done that. I will run it in Safe Mode. Maybe that’s it.

  2. Eddie: Make sure you have updated SD. In many cases malware is released daily, and one needs to run system updates. If you still have problems, contact pc tools support and they will provide custom fix or walk through process. Alternatively, you can try other tools.

  3. I downloaded and bought SD after reading some of this. I got a 2 year subscripton and then I found out that my McAfee Internet Security Plus had an anti-spyware program. So how did Win 7 antivirus 2011 infect me and why does nothing either remove it of detect it?
    Do I have to remove it manually?

  4. Eddie: If you have paid for programs, contact their support and they will walk through removal process. It should be automatic as long as they running, however malware might change a bit and require custom fix in your case. Most of legitimate programs offer no-condition 30 day money back.
    I do not like Mcafee. It is not too good against malware (though it is ok against viruses) and slows PC down. However, no anti-virus or anti-malware tool is 100%. We are talking about 80-90% detection/removal ratios.

  5. I’m running windows 7. I couldn’t run exe files or system restore. Tried loads of sites with no joy. But here’s the solution found by luck 🙂 If you have malware bytes anti malware just right click and run as admin this will open it. If not just right click your internet browser and right click and run as admin download malware byte or what ever remover you prefer right click and run as admin job done. I don’t know how this works but seems to bypass virus. Happy days please spread the word.

  6. I had the virus (pop ups everywhere)
    I ran my virus scanner…it found nothing. I downloaded Malwarebytes (on another computer) and ran it in safe mode. it too found nothing. I have run tdsskiller and still it found nothing. so if none of the fixes found anything…is it gone? I no longer get the pop ups and can run everything without issues but I am afraid to use my computer in case.

  7. Run Hitman Pro and Spyware Doctor (full scans). TDSS Killer is for TDSS rootkit infections only. It is almost impossible that malware would uninstall on itself.

  8. My daughter’s computer is definitely infected with this virus. VERY nasty. Our problem is that it is running even in safe mode so that we cannot uninstall it even manually. We did try use our anti virus software (Zone Alarm) but this virus has apparently cut off (or appears to have) her internet connection so nothing is able to be downloaded for tools to remove it.
    We’ve turned her internet off at the moment to avoid any further possible downloads via this virus and our fire wall shows activity being blocked through certain ports when the computer is running, if it is truly our fire wall log we are seeing.
    ANY other ideas since we cannot download any other tools to use and uninstalling manually seems to have failed since this is running even in safe mode now??
    We are looking at having to completely reformat her hard drive and not really wanting to go there unless it’s a last resort 🙁

  9. Julie: Ctrl+Shift+ESC, go under process tab. Kill all the processes with 3 letter names like sdg.exe . After that you will be able to browse normally and download anti-malware programs
    Additionally, you can try doing system restore

  10. Thanks I’ll give that a try. We did already try a system restore and that didn’t get rid of it.

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