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Windows Repair - How to remove

By Giedrius Majauskas

Windows Repair is a fake system optimization utility that was released in end of March, 2011. This malware belongs to new version of defraggers, that try to imitate and then detect various hardware problems to present a faked solution for them. Additionally, Windows Repair infect PC with help of trojans and vulnerabilities, thus it is not a legitimate software.

Windows Repair is very aggressive and might make PC unusable for a while. It will show various alerts and block legitimate programs from launching to force user into believing there is something wrong with harddisk and other hardware components. While these components might break, the problems detected by Windows Repair are far from realistic and not solvable with software alone. For example, software would not fix error that “32% of HDD space is unreadable”. In most cases, this would require purchasing a new hard disk, as that means HDD exhausted its redundant storage capabilities. This would require purchasing a new hard disk and not some kind of optimization utility.

The message about “Registry defragmentation required” is fake as well. So is “GPU RAM temperature is critically high. Urgent RAM memory optimization is required to prevent system crash” – memory optimization will not solve overheating issues (which would require a better fan for video card). If you believe these messages and try to fix them using that WindowsRepair, you will be asked to pay for removal. As these problems are fake, it is clear that Windows Repair is a scam and should be removed. Here are some of these messages:

Critical Error
A critical error has occurred while indexing data stored on hard drive. System restart required.

Critical Error
RAM memory usage is critically high. RAM memory failure.

Critical Error!
Damaged hard drive clusters detected. Private data is at risk.

System Restore
The system has been restored after a critical error. Data integrity and hard drive integrity verification required.

Critical Error!
Windows was unable to save all the data for the file System32496A8300. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware.

Critical Error
Windows can’t find hard disk space. Hard drive error

Critical Error
Hard Drive not found. Missing hard drive.

The most annoying feature of Windows Repair is that it blocks internet and legitimate programs from launching. Their makers understand, that a scan with decent antivirus would detect them, so this is how they protect from removal. Luckily, there are still ways to remove Windows Repair.

Windows Repair removal guide

First, you should try rebooting, pressing F8 before booting starts and choosing safe mode with networking. Most of malware processes are less active in that mode.
Next, It is recommended to fake – register Windows Repair using this key: 8475082234984902023718742058948. Press on Help & support and choose manual registration. This will make malware think it is registered and you will not be stopped when launching applications.
Then you should disable proxy server in your browser. If you do not know how, there is a guide here: (steps 3 and 4).
Lastly, either stop WindowsRepair processes (listed below ) manually using Process explorer (or task manager) or download and do scan with spyhunter, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Hitman Pro to identify them on disk and assist with their removal.
If you stop processes and delete files manually, do not forget to fix registry after the removal. Windows Repair affected registry keys are listed below.

Automatic Malware removal tools

Download Spyhunter for Malware detection

Note: Spyhunter trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions,

Download Combo Cleaner for Malware detection

Note: Combo Cleaner trial provides detection of parasites and assists in their removal for free. limited trial available, Terms of use, Privacy Policy, Uninstall Instructions, Refund Policy ,

Manual removal

Removal guides in other languages

37 responses to “Windows Repair”

  1. Thanks for this guide. Tried to follow the registry removal in Safe Mode and couldn’t find them.

    Booted into Windows and fake registered it and all the stuff came back then removed the stuff it told me to in your guide.


  2. Hi I too was hijacked by windows repair. i tried to shutdown pc but to my horror watched all my files and photos disappear one folder after another. (or are they masked in some way)

    I went to system restore in safe mode but still no files there when re booted. any advice would be helpful.

    Its almost as if i have a brand new computer. absolutely nothing of mine is visible or usable with the exceptoion of recent items from the start list.

  3. As for the photos and such, click show hidden files and they will all come back up.

    The rogue is not as bad as it could be, but the files are all still there, just hidden.

  4. Thanks,but when I entered the email and the code I did`nt remember the email so now I cant goto help and support! Help!

  5. this virus will not let me ge to my task mgr. So everythink you recc is not working.Any help would be appreciated.

  6. For me the proposed method (step by step as it written) worked perfectly. Thank you very much!!!!

  7. @admin
    i did the same thing as time, got my stuff back but after a while later, it disappeared again. i was trying to remove “aro 2011” and in the process of that, all my stuff are gone again. how can i get my stuff back? thank you

  8. @Ryan
    i just used the window repair again and scanned my computer with it and got my files back, but now what do i do to remove windows repair? i did all the steps you told me in this article but i still cant remove it. help please. thank you

  9. Ryan: Make sure you see hidden and system files. Typically, malware authors (except GPCode) does not remove documents and similar stuff from hard drive.

  10. Ryan: Update Spyware Doctor and Malwarebytes and do FULL system scans with them. It is important both to update tools and do full scans. See what they find.

  11. Hi and thanks for the tips i do step by step and removed that damn maleware but my background image and windows theme doesn’t work!! what should i do?

  12. how can I fake register? i started in safe mode but now i don’t know what I have to do. Where I have to fake register? windows repair doesn’t apear now.

  13. Perfect! Helped out so much! Thanks. You can remove the last file from the registry, DisableTaskmgr, and you don’t need to fake register the product, going straight to deleting parts.

  14. what about if i paid for the registration, i gave them my credit card number so what i should do now?????/ please help!!

  15. Renata ring your bank with whom you have the credit card and get them to do a reversal of the transaction that will get your money back hopefully

  16. Thanks for the tips, I used Rkill to allow me to download the paid version of PC doctor to get rid of “Windows Repair”. But still, I show no files in MY DOCUMENTS, or any programs on the PC (when I go to start, programs, it says empty). Any ideas?

  17. Gavin: Make sure you see hidden and system files. This is file attributes that are making files invisible in normal view.

  18. hi all, i have the same problem with Windows Repair. So i downloaded the malware bytes software which did a full scan and came up with 40 issues but was not able to fix/delete them all.
    I then downloaded the Spyware Doctor software and did another scan with it. It came up with the remaining list of treats but stated that in order to remove/fix those i need to buy the full version of the software.
    How can i avoid buying the full version and still fix my laptop?

  19. @admin

    So I did find that the folders were all changed to hidden. I went through control panel, tools, and folder options to change all folders to (not hidden). But I still have no programs and my favorites are missing as well from ie.

    Where would I find the folder containing “programs”?

  20. Depends on os. Generally, for IE right-click on desktop and choose personalize (Win 7). search for menu about “Desktop icons”. There, make sure IE is shown.
    IE should be in C:\Program Files\

  21. I got the same errors, I’m at my uncles house now and he got me up and running, and running AVG. If you don’t have that go to spyware and run that and hopefully everything will come back up for you. It will bring up windows repair as a shortcut and we deleted it, but it’s still in programs. Do Not select it. Hopefully antivirus will get rid of it….sons of bitches

  22. i need help i’ve got my computer working again however i’ve been unable to get my desktop pic to show or change. i go into prperties for my desktop and it doesn’t allow me to change the background. everything else i can change. thanks for any help

  23. Do you offer a money back guarranty?

    I have loaded malware bytes, and still have the problem.

  24. Most of anti-malware tools (legitimate ones) offer 30 day money back guarantee. I recommend scanning before any purchase.
    If you find nothing (after update), then you will either need different tool or manual fix (through support)

  25. I had the windows repair virus. My desktop was black and some of the icons were missing. After much research on the internet, I learned how to remove it manually. I was able to restore my icons by showing hidden files, however my
    desktop icons are ghostlike. The graphics are not solid in appearance, they opaque. I thought I removed the windows repair as well as all the little highjackers that came along with it. Is there a way I can restore my desktop back to normal? Is there a location other than Documents and Settings that I may have missed? Please advise if you’ve experienced this problem. Thanks.


  26. get this off my computer I dont no how it got threr but I want I OFF please help

  27. After inputting the registry key you provide I was given their support phone number so I called (blocked number of course) and cussed them out, I felt a little better after words, I recommend you do the same! 1 877 282 0139

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