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Should you download Telegram?

By Giedrius Majauskas

Telegram explains to provide pure instant messaging. The number of users of this app is consistently growing as people are more frequently choosing this messenger. We are not implying that Telegram should not be downloaded, but security analysts from Fidelis CyberSecurity were the first ones to raise concerns about Telegram. One of the most positive features of this application is that it encodes information for both iOS and Android operating systems. When a new member signs up for the service, his/her friends that already use Telegram will be informed about it (friends a.k.a your contact list). Even though it seems to be a convenient feature, security researchers are shaking their heads and disagreeing with this unfortunate misconception.

Telegram also informs users which of their friends have installed this messaging application in their device. If a rogue person happens to be included in your contact list or vice versa, then the security issues will begin. The fact that Telegram automatically exposes information about their members does not appear ‘tasty’ for the security guardians. It would be more appropriate if people could conceal such information manually, but such settings are not supported by Telegram. Instead of contacting their users with friends, Telegram might directly point out to hackers.

The encryption is supposed to be quite powerful in the case of Telegram, but we have heard many concerns about whether this security feature gets tampered with if an attacker is included into the users’ contact lists? This might open a new window for scams. If you happen to really enjoy using Telegram and do not intend to switch to another messaging app, we should at least recommend you to keep your contact lists free from people you do not or barely know.

Despite this setback for Telegram, it appears to be quite secure in other terms. It has certain features that are clearly beneficial and we are no longer surprised by millions of users who have already installed Telegram into their phones. Let’s enumerate a couple of positive traits that this messaging app has. You know that feeling when your friend sends you a link but you get transferred to your browser after clicking on it? Well, Telegram though of this and allows people to open links within the application itself. In addition to that, message previews will not longer aggravate you. Some secretive people might start ‘secret chats’ that are secured with end-to-end encryption. If you are curious to tryout this application, we cannot stop you as it certainly has some cool features.


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