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Simplelocker Ransomware

By Giedrius Majauskas

Simplelocker is yet another ransomware that encrypts files stored on an infected device and then requires a ransom to decrypt them. However, Simplelocker targets not at computers, but mobile phones and tablets with Android operating systems too. While in most cases computers are protected and usually users have some anti-virus or anti-malware programs installed on their PCs, phones and tablets often are unprotected. And it’s a perfect niche for cyber criminals – they can infect thousands of unprotected mobile devices.

Users keep a lot of important files like photos or their contacts, notes, etc. on their mobile phones, therefore this ransomware can cause a lot of problems. Since it’s still impossible to decrypt files on your computer if they are locked by CTB ransomware, there is a way to decrypt files that were encrypted by Simplelocker. Avast cyber security company developed a free Ransomware Removal app that can be downloaded to all Android devices via a Google Play store.

If your Android device is already infected with Simplelocker, it can be difficult to install Avast Ransomware Removal app directly from your device because Simplelocker uses a pop-over notification to prevent a user access. However, you can install this cyber security application using your computer. All you need to do is to visit Google Play website via a web browser on your computer and find a Ransomware Removal tool. Use the same login information as on your Android device and install the application. This way it will be installed on your phone or tablet and you will be able to both decrypt encrypted files and remove Simplelocker ransomware. For further removal instructions visit Avast blog. The same application can be used to eliminate FBI Android virus.

If your mobile device is not infected yet, you should ensure it’s security right now. Set your phone or tablet presets to create backup files often. This way in case of an infection you will be able to restore your device to the previous condition. Additionally to that, you should install a reliable anti-malware application to your Android phone. You can find some trustworthy and free security applications on Google Play store.

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